Dr Eric Cohen
Dr Eric Cohen

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What is a Deviated Nasal Septum?

A deviated septum means the thin wall between your nostrils isn't straight, or is slightly over to one side. That means one of your nasal passages will be smaller than the other and it can make it harder to breathe. There are other effects of a deviated nasal septum as well, such as crusting or bleeding due to the dry air through the nose. It can lead to swelling of the nasal tissues, which can in turn lead to a sinus infection. Chronic sinus infections can be difficult to deal with and you'll want to get treatment as soon as possible. Deviated septum surgery is an ideal fix for this problem. Other methods of treatment will usually only address the symptoms, whereas surgery for deviated septum will fix the alignment of the nasal wall itself.

During a deviated septum surgery procedure, the nasal wall is straightened and repositioned so it is as centered as possible in your nose. Parts of the wall may need to be cut or removed, but it is usually easy for a surgeon to do. While you are getting nose surgery, deviated septum procedures may also allow you to reshape the nose. If these procedures are done at the same time, a doctor can change the shape or size of your nose. This is known as rhinoplasty.

You can be born with a deviated nasal septum or it can happen to you during your life. There are ways to prevent an incident from occurring if you are in the second group of people, such as wearing a helmet while playing sports or wearing your seat belt at all times. It will minimize any impact and will help keep your nose intact. Should an incident occur, consult with a Midtown Manhattan ENT doctor right away.

When it comes to getting surgery for deviated septum cases, a Midtown East ENT specialist is your best option. These doctors have all the latest technology and tools to help them diagnose and treat their patients. Their efforts will have you breathing through both sides of your nose without an issue before you know it. Consult with a doctor as soon as you are ready to fix your deviated nasal septum and you'll be able to start discussing your options. Learn how to prepare for the surgery, what you can expect from the procedure, and what your recovery time looks like. The more information you have, the more ready you will be to make a decision in regards to your deviated nasal septum treatment options.





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